Problem with File.Copy() - skipping files?



I have an application that I want to use for copying files. My goal is to
copy a files, if a file is in use or not accessible because of security
reasons I want to make note of that file then continue with the file copy

For some reason when my app is copying the C:\Windows\System32\Config folder
it will fail on the first non-accessible file then ends the copy process. It
only seems to happen on this folder (folder contains registry and eventvwr
files, thus they are in use).

Can someone give me some help here, I am at a lost.

This chuck of code runs in a BackgroundWorker thread.

private void FileCopy(string srcdir, string destdir, bool recursive, ref
DoWorkEventArgs e)


DirectoryInfo dir;

FileInfo[] files;

DirectoryInfo[] dirs;

string tmppath="";

//determine if the destination directory exists, if not create it

if (!Directory.Exists(destdir))




dir = new DirectoryInfo(srcdir);

//if the source dir doesn't exist, throw

if (!dir.Exists)


throw new ArgumentException("source dir doesn't exist -> " + srcdir);


//get all files in the current dir



files = dir.GetFiles();

//loop through each file

foreach (FileInfo file in files)


//create the path to where this file should be in destdir

if (ProgressThread.CancellationPending)


e.Cancel = true;



tmppath = Path.Combine(destdir, file.Name);

//copy file to dest dir

file.CopyTo(tmppath, true);

lblCurrentFile.Text = "Processing: " + file.FullName;





files = null;


catch (Exception)





//if not recursive, all work is done

if (!recursive)






//otherwise, get dirs

dirs = dir.GetDirectories();

//loop through each sub directory in the current dir

foreach (DirectoryInfo subdir in dirs)


//create the path to the directory in destdir

tmppath = Path.Combine(destdir, subdir.Name);

//recursively call this function over and over again

//with each new dir.

FileCopy(subdir.FullName, tmppath, recursive, ref e);



catch (UnauthorizedAccessException)






dirs = null;

dir = null;


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