Problem with creating Worksheets with Macros



I have a macro that depending on the options created by the user will create
additional worksheets. Up to 70 worksheets could be needed in the file. The
marco will only create 62 worksheets. It crashes when it attempts to create
the 63 worksheet. After it crashes I cannot manually add any worksheets to
the file. Nothing happens when I try to insert or copy a worksheet.


According to the Excel specifications, the number of sheets is limited only
by available memory. If you have a set with diminished memory, that could
be the problem.


I have 4 gb of memory. I don't believe it is a memory issue since I don't
have any problems creating/adding worksheets manually. The problem only
occurs when I use a macro.


Then the problem could be in how the code is constructed. It might be
caching something in an iterative loop that would exceed a limit. Depending
on what and how would determine if you get an error message. Sometimes
setting the object variables to nothing after a certain number of iterations
will help.


Depending on options selected by the user the code copies an existing
worksheet to a new worksheet and then other code updates the equations on the
new worksheet. The code that I am using to copy the exisiting worksheet is:

Sheets("GWMODEL").Copy Before:=Sheets("SRMODEL")
Sheets("GWMODEL (2)").Select
Sheets("GWMODEL (2)").Name = SheetName

My trial and error I discovered the problem was occuring after the program
had created copies of 32 worksheets. It did not matter how many worksheets
were in the workbook. When the program tried to create a 33rd it would
crash. I also discovered that while I could not then manaully copy any
worksheet, that I could insert a blank worksheet and copy the contents from
an exisiting worksheet to the blank worksheet, thereby creating a new copy of
the worksheet. So instead of having the code copy the worksheets, I changed
the code to insert a blank worksheet and then copy the contents from an
existng worksheet to the blank worksheet and now the program runs without any

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