Problem with assigining a macro.




I have created a floating menu bar with 3 menu buttons on it. I have
written a sub programs for each button, for the action to be performed
when the menu buttons are clicked. And I have assigned the code to the
buttons using "Assign macro". This works fine unitll the workbook is
closed. When I close & re-open the workbook and click on menu
buttons....I get a message that it could not find assigned macros. I
saved the workbook before closing. I tried many times, but could not
find the reason. Please help.


Tom Ogilvy

run a macro to check on the assignment

Sub showAssignments()
for each btn in CommandBars("MyBar").Controls
msgbox btn.Caption & vbNewline & btn.OnAction
End Sub

Try it before closing the workbook, when the workbook is closed and when
you have a problem.

I create custom bars all the time when I am testing things. I will make
them visible weeks or months later, and click a button and it opens some old
file it was assigned to and runs the macro. So this isn't typical.


You need to attach the floating menu bar to the workbook - use the attach
command in the worksheet menu bar to do this.

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