Problem with Add & Remove Programs



Under Add and Remove Programs, there is an option to add/remove Windows
Components. I wanted to remove Windows Messenger. Instead it has removed
from my Programs List in my start menu, Internet Explorer. When I look in my
Program Files, Internet Explorer still exists but there is no shortcut
anymore on my desktop nor is it in my Programs list under my start menu.
Can anyone help me resolve this issue?
I tried restoring back to yesterday when everything was fine but that did
not correct the problem.

Rick \Nutcase\ Rogers

Hi Kimberly,
Under Add and Remove Programs, there is an option to add/remove Windows
Components. I wanted to remove Windows Messenger. Instead it has removed
from my Programs List in my start menu, Internet Explorer. When I look in
my Program Files, Internet Explorer still exists but there is no shortcut
anymore on my desktop nor is it in my Programs list under my start menu.
Can anyone help me resolve this issue?
I tried restoring back to yesterday when everything was fine but that did
not correct the problem.

Sounds like you accidentally indicated IE rather than messenger. Simply
reverse the steps you took and add IE back the same way.

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers, aka "Nutcase" - Microsoft MVP

Associate Expert - WindowsXP Expert Zone

Windows help -


Thank you. That seemed a logical course of action but wanted verification
before doing so in fear of losing IE altogether. The problem has been solved
and I thank you very much for your help.

Rick \Nutcase\ Rogers

Hi Kimberly,

You're quite welcome, and I can understand the hesitation.

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers, aka "Nutcase" - Microsoft MVP

Associate Expert - WindowsXP Expert Zone

Windows help -


Kimberly said:
Thank you. That seemed a logical course of action but wanted verification
before doing so in fear of losing IE altogether. The problem has been solved
and I thank you very much for your help.


*chuckles*'s hard to loose IE altogether. Some folks would love to
be able to.


Lose IE altogether?... Can't say I haven't contemplated it but Bill Gates has
me quite well brainwashed and being the creature of habit that I am, I
continue to stick with what I am familiar with.... and Gates smiles all the
way to the bank. *grin*

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