Problem with a web site that I designed




I have a home network set up with two computers. The older PC is Windows 98 and the new PC is Windows XP Home Edition. Please keep in mind that my knowledge about computers is fairly limited

I have designed a web site with the Front Page Express program that came with my Windows 98 PC
I then uploaded this data to my host Internet Provider site with my WS FTP LE free edition.
Everything was working as it should

At one point, I updated my web site with photos and made some other changes with the written part

Some of the photos were not showing up on the site and we could only see the ouline of the pictures
I also made some additions to the table of contents but when you clicked on some of these additions, you were not taken to those subjects in the site.

I asked several of my online friends for some assistance with these problems

They suggested a number of things that I tried to carry out without successs.
One of them had to do which changing tags and other things in the HTML codes
To make a long story short, things got worse and at one point I thought I had lost everything in the site

The more I tried to correct these problems the worse it got

Finally, I let a friend give me some remote assistance. He removed some unnecessary files & folders that I had in relations to my site.
He then stated that all was now working well and that my site was updated to April 30th, 2004.
I checked the site and I know that some of the subjects in the table of contents are not working. (same as before)

The background of my site is dark blue with some white, blue, red and yellowish writing

NOW, THE BACKGROUND IS white on my PC with yellowish & blue writing, some animations, graphics and photos are not showing and the music is not playing. The site is showing as being updated on April 30th, 2004 as it should be

My friend says that all the colors, animations, pictures etc.... are working fine when he is viewing the site from his PC and that possibly I have a problem with "cache" or a similar problem with the Internet Explorer on my PC
He believes that I have this page somewhere on my hard drive and when I write the address in the browser, it gets the page from my computer and not from my internet provider's web site

My site is called the " Ontario Provincial Police Veterans' Association #10N (Pembroke) Chapter " and it's located a

Could anyone help me with this problem. I have tried everything that I can think of without any success
I'm at my wits end, dejected

Could some check the site out and verify if it's working OK. If it's OK, how come I cannot view it in its proper state
If it has something to do with a cache folder or file, how can I correct this problem on my PC.
I have the same problem with both my computers

PLEASE HELP.....You can contact me directly at (e-mail address removed)

Monandy .....a frustrated retired police office


Monandy, your site is how you describe it when you view
it on your pc-white background, no pics, etc.

I'm not familier with Frontpage Express, but I do use
Frontpage 2002 for my personal site.

What you need to do is upload your pics to
the "index_files" folder on your sites server. You may
want to upload your main page file to the correct
destination also ("index.html" or something similar)
after saving all your changes. A problem I used to have
in the past was that I would make changes without
uploading all the files and I would experience similar

Now, if it's possible, you might want to completely
delete all the files on your websites server (make sure
you have it all backed-up) and try uploading your site
using Frontpage. I hardly ever upload my files via FTP
now unless I have no way around it.

Hope that helps...


PS - You may be able to ge even more, or um, better
answers in the Frontpage forum.

Ron Sommer

The bgcolor is white.
If I paste the bgcolor="#000080" into an HTML email, I get a blue

No photos or sound.

Here is what a validate site says:
Ron Sommer

Monandy said:

I have a home network set up with two computers. The older PC is Windows
98 and the new PC is Windows XP Home Edition. Please keep in mind that my
knowledge about computers is fairly limited.
I have designed a web site with the Front Page Express program that came with my Windows 98 PC.
I then uploaded this data to my host Internet Provider site with my WS FTP LE free edition.
Everything was working as it should.

At one point, I updated my web site with photos and made some other changes with the written part.

Some of the photos were not showing up on the site and we could only see the ouline of the pictures.
I also made some additions to the table of contents but when you clicked
on some of these additions, you were not taken to those subjects in the
I asked several of my online friends for some assistance with these problems.

They suggested a number of things that I tried to carry out without successs.
One of them had to do which changing tags and other things in the HTML codes.
To make a long story short, things got worse and at one point I thought I
had lost everything in the site.
The more I tried to correct these problems the worse it got.

Finally, I let a friend give me some remote assistance. He removed some
unnecessary files & folders that I had in relations to my site.
He then stated that all was now working well and that my site was updated to April 30th, 2004.
I checked the site and I know that some of the subjects in the table of
contents are not working. (same as before).

The background of my site is dark blue with some white, blue, red and yellowish writing.

NOW, THE BACKGROUND IS white on my PC with yellowish & blue writing, some
animations, graphics and photos are not showing and the music is not
playing. The site is showing as being updated on April 30th, 2004 as it
should be.
My friend says that all the colors, animations, pictures etc.... are
working fine when he is viewing the site from his PC and that possibly I
have a problem with "cache" or a similar problem with the Internet Explorer
on my PC.
He believes that I have this page somewhere on my hard drive and when I
write the address in the browser, it gets the page from my computer and not
from my internet provider's web site.
My site is called the " Ontario Provincial Police Veterans' Association
#10N (Pembroke) Chapter " and it's located at .

Could anyone help me with this problem. I have tried everything that I can think of without any success.
I'm at my wits end, dejected.

Could some check the site out and verify if it's working OK. If it's OK,
how come I cannot view it in its proper state?

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