Problem viewing uploaded content



Thanks Mark. The url is:
The first time I had the problem displaying the interactive calculator, I thought it was because I was using a microsoft template on which to base my calculator. I got some weird broken links etc. So I have recently completely re-done the calculator from scratch, using the template as my model, but the problem persists! I am a total layman when it comes to tech jargon and don't know much about http and ftp - suffice to say that I uploaded through the FrontPage Publish facility. I have spoken to my host, and (1) they do not support FP extensions; (2) it is UNIX.

Subject: Re: Problem viewing uploaded content
1/28/2004 11:26 PM PST

By: Mark Fitzpatrick (search by author)
In: microsoft.public.frontpage.client

Can you post a URL so we can see the code? As far as the calculator, what
could be wrong is it's referencing an external file incorrectly, often the
case is a script that is being referenced through a file reference instead
of http (ie: it's looking for it on the user's hard drive like
c:\myfile.calc instead of http://myfile.calc).

As for the hit counter, does your host support the FP Server Extensions?
What type of host is it, Windows or UNIX? Are you publishing the pages using
http or ftp?

Hope this helps
Mark Fitzpatrick
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage

paddon said:
I am a FrontPage novice, and have built a site for a friend, who is a
mortgage consultant. I have a link to a second page which has a
calculator. I have tried and tried, and cannot get the calculator to show
when the page is uploaded, yet it works perfectly when I view it "locally".
Other parts of that page work okay, eg a scrollling marquee, and the links
back to the home page. Also, my hit counter doesn't show once it is
uploaded. Grateful for any suggestions .........

Thomas A. Rowe

Your calculator does display because the code is pointing back to your HD:


Also users of NS browsers will not be able to view the calculator since it
is an ActiveX component and NS doesn't support ActiveX.


Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, Forums, WebCircle,
MS KB Quick Links, etc.

paddon said:
Thanks Mark. The url is:
The first time I had the problem displaying the interactive calculator, I
thought it was because I was using a microsoft template on which to base my
calculator. I got some weird broken links etc. So I have recently
completely re-done the calculator from scratch, using the template as my
model, but the problem persists! I am a total layman when it comes to tech
jargon and don't know much about http and ftp - suffice to say that I
uploaded through the FrontPage Publish facility. I have spoken to my host, and (1) they do not support FP extensions; (2) it is UNIX.

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