Problem using XNPV from VBA



Hello, I have this (to me) strange situation:

Dim aRangeValues() As Double, aRangeDates() As Date

The two arrays are set to the foll. values (dates are in dd/mm/yyyy):

aRangeValues(1) | aRangeValues(2) | aRangeValues(3) | aRangeValues(4)
-1721.9482672 | 194.6875 | 194.6875 | 2194.6875

aRangeDates(1) | aRangeDates(2) | aRangeDates(3) | aRangeDates(4)
27/09/2002 | 30/09/2002 | 30/09/2003 | 30/09/2004

If I try to calculate the NPV (using XNPV - due to different intervals):
Val = Application.Run("XNPV", 0.05, aRangeValues, aRangeDates)
I get the #VALUE! error!

Just to check the situation, I tried to calculate:
Val = Application.Run("XIRR", aRangeValues, aRangeDates)
and I get a correct 0.262366098165512

I tried to use the XNPV function in a cell, and it works!

Any idea?

Thanks, Dario

Tom Ogilvy

Sub Tester5()
Dim aRangeValues As Variant, bRangeTemp As Variant
Dim aRangeDate() As Long
aRangeValues = Array(-1721.9482672, 194.6875, 194.6875, 2194.6875)
aRangeTemp = Array("09/27/2002", "09/30/2002", "09/30/2003", "09/30/2004")
ReDim aRangeDates(LBound(aRangeTemp) To UBound(aRangeTemp))
For i = LBound(aRangeTemp) To UBound(aRangeTemp)
aRangeDates(i) = CLng(CDate(aRangeTemp(i)))
'Debug.Print aRangeDates(i) ' <== use to check what is in date array
dblRate = 0.05
res = Application.Run("ATPVBAEN.XLA!XNPV", 0.05, aRangeValues, aRangeDates)
Debug.Print res
End Sub

It appears the second argument needs to be an array of longs rather than an
array of dates - got an error when I passed it dates.

Also, Val is a vba function. I would use a different variable than Val.

I put your date in US format - VBA is US centric. Not sure how you are
loading your array of dates, but if using strings at all and using implicit
conversion I would use US formatted strings. If using Cdate, it is supposed
to pay attention to regional settings, but I would check what is in the
array to be sure.

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