Problem to launch a program from Excel




I have this sub that alows me to open the program PackLaunch from
Excel. The problem is that I have only one license of this program and
I need to open it only one time. if the program is already open I need
to exit from this sub. the problem is that the sub executes the if
twice and I do not know why.

Public Sub OpenPLaunch()

Dim appPack As String
Dim BoPack As Boolean

On Error Resume Next

appPack = "C:\Program Files\PLaunch\PLaunch.exe"
Shell appPack

If Err <> 0 Then

BoPack = True ' if no error PLauch is open
MsgBox "PLaunch is not open"
appPack = "C:\Program Files\PLaunch\PLaunch.exe"
Shell appPack
Exit if


MsgBox "found PLauch open"
Exit Sub

End If

End Sub

Any help is kindly appreciated


Peter T

Not sure why or how it executes the If twice but the following may well run
twice because you have written it twice -

Shell appPack

" Exit if " is invalid and the "Exit Sub" is redundant

Peter T


So Should I remote Shell appPach Exit Sub

but if the file is not open I need to open it again?


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