Problem selecting TOP values by category and date




I need to add ranking to a table of values, and even through I've gone
through everything in the group, I can't pinpoint my problem.

Here goes... I have the following resulting query

Date MeasureID Store Perf
1/1/2007 1 5 100.00%
1/1/2007 1 1 100.00%
1/1/2007 1 4 97.00%
1/1/2007 1 2 89.00%
1/1/2007 1 3 89.00%
1/1/2007 2 2 100.00%
1/1/2007 2 3 100.00%
1/1/2007 2 1 100.00%
1/1/2007 2 4 100.00%
1/1/2007 2 5 75.00%
1/2/2007 ...

This is the crude data I receive daily and is updated in an access
From this data I need to Extract the Top 2 Stores for every measure
for every date, resulting in a query like this:

Date MeasureID Store Perf
1/1/2007 1 5 100.00%
1/1/2007 1 1 100.00%
1/1/2007 2 2 100.00%
1/1/2007 2 3 100.00%
1/2/2007 ...

If I could add a column with numbering to the oridinal data, I could
jsut query out number = 1 or 2. But as I have duplicate values in the
performance and I have mo unique ID for each record, I cannot find a

Any help you be greatly appreciated.



John Spencer

What do you want in case of ties?
Let's say on 1/1/2007 all 5 stores scored 100 on Measure 1. WHO gets

The following should work for you. It could be slow depending on the number
of records involved

FROM Table as T1
WHERE Format(MeasureID,"0000") & Store
In (SELECT Top 2 Format(MeasureID,"0000") & Store
FROM Table as T2
WHERE T1.MeasureID = T2.MeasureID
AND T1.[Date] = T2.[Date]

If you are limiting records to a specific date range then you might be able
to make this faster by adding the date range criteria to both the main query
and to the subquery - especially if the Date field (bad name for a field,
Date is a reserved word in Access) is indexed.

FROM Table as T1
WHERE Format(MeasureID,"0000") & Store
In (SELECT Top 2 Format(MeasureID,"0000") & Store
FROM Table as T2
WHERE T1.MeasureID = T2.MeasureID
AND T1.[Date] = T2.[Date]
AND T2.[Date] Between #1/1/2007# and #1/31/2007#
AND T1.[Date] Between #1/1/2007# and #1/31/2007#
John Spencer
Access MVP 2002-2005, 2007
Center for Health Program Development and Management
University of Maryland Baltimore County


Try something like

Select T1.Date , T1.MeasureID, T1.Store, T1.Perf
From TableName As T1
Where T1.Store In (Select Top 2 T2.Store
From TableName As T2
Where T2.MeasureID = T1.MeasureID
Order By T2.Perf Desc)

Note: there is no fixed order about the stores are picked up, incase there
are more then two stores that are in the same Perf.

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