Problem renaming, moving or deleting new folder in desktop directory



When I create a new folder on my desktop then attempt to rename it or
delete it I am now getting the following alert: "Renaming, moving or
deleting 'New Folder' could make some programs not work. Are you sure
you want to do this?"

I have checked the Web for information on this bug but cannot find a
fix. Note: this problem has only occured in the last 2 weeks -
unfortunately I can't link it to any actions I may done that
precipitated it.

Regards, Hubchy


When I create a new folder on my desktop then attempt to rename it or
delete it I am now getting the following alert: "Renaming, moving or
deleting 'New Folder' could make some programs not work. Are you sure
you want to do this?"

I have checked the Web for information on this bug but cannot find a
fix. Note: this problem has only occured in the last 2 weeks -
unfortunately I can't link it to any actions I may done that
precipitated it.

Regards, Hubchy

I've seen this a number of times.

A System Restore (to back before you saw the problem the
first time) will generally fix it.

A driver of some kind-- or library-- got fitzed.

This is why I use Go Back 2003 (off the Norton System Works
2003 disk).

I've also noticed that a system reboot (hit the reset
switch, or flip the switch on the power supply off/on.

will fix this sometimes.

can't say why it happens. I'm not exactly a tekkie. I can
just tell you what's worked for me.

Good luck!



I've seen this a number of times.

A System Restore (to back before you saw the problem the
first time) will generally fix it.

A driver of some kind-- or library-- got fitzed.

This is why I use Go Back 2003 (off the Norton System Works
2003 disk).

I've also noticed that a system reboot (hit the reset
switch, or flip the switch on the power supply off/on.

will fix this sometimes.

can't say why it happens. I'm not exactly a tekkie. I can
just tell you what's worked for me.

Good luck!


Thanks for this. I had system restore turned off at the time the
problem arose. It seems that the problem is yet another one of those
interminable MS 'issues' (bugs). System drivers are supposed to be
protected, are they not?

Interesting (and disappointing) that no one else had any suggestions.


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