Problem Referencing Multiple Lists



Okay, here is what I am trying to accomplish. I have a worksheet with
multiple lists based on different types of materials and their wieghts per
foot. For example I have cell A1 data validated to reflect List 1. (rope,
wire rope, mesh). Cell A2 is data validated to reflect List 2 ( nylon rope,
polyester rope, wire rope 1, wire rope 2, wire rope 3, mesh 1, mesh 2, mesh
3). Cell A3 reflects the size in inches (1/2", 3/4", 1-1/2", etc) This is
relevant to list 3 which is a 2 column list side by side that has the lbs/ft
next to the size (A4 thru G4 = 1/2 inch thru 2 1/2 inch) (A5 thru G5 = 1.34
thru 4.56)
What I want to do is if I select "rope" in cell A1, I want cell A2 to only
reference the contents of List 2 (i.e. type of rope) I then want to be able
to select the size of rope based on set list and finally cell A6 will select
the lbs/ft designated for 1/2 inch nylon rope.

what I have tried is this:
In cell A2 I enter =if(A1=list 1), (list 2), ("")

I have tried using a vlookup formula for A6 but keep getting a #VALUE error.
Is it because I am trying reference a cell that has a validated list?



I am going to give this a try and see if I can get it to work. Lots of times
if you get close, excel will figure out what you are trying to do. Thanks for
the link.


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