Problem query



The query I am using is to report information by "Year" and "Quarter" but I
have found that it reports by "Quarter" regardles of year. There fore I am
getting totals of quarters for the last several years. How can it be
corrected to do as requested?
Query: SELECT Employees.SSI, Sum(OvertimeTracking.oTDLhOURUSED) AS
SumOfoTDLhOURUSED, [Last Name] & ", " & [First Name] AS Expr2, Employees.Day,
Employees.otdeirelist, OvertimeTracking.Quarter, Sum(OvertimeTracking.oTDLOP)
AS SumOfoTDLOP, Sum(OvertimeTracking.oTBlocked) AS SumOfoTBlocked,
Sum(OvertimeTracking.oVERtIMErEFUSED) AS SumOfoVERtIMErEFUSED,
Format([ActionDate]) AS Expr1
FROM Employees INNER JOIN OvertimeTracking ON Employees.SSI =
WHERE (((OvertimeTracking.aUTHORIZED) Like 1 Or
(OvertimeTracking.aUTHORIZED) Like 4))
GROUP BY Employees.SSI, [Last Name] & ", " & [First Name], Employees.Day,
Employees.otdeirelist, OvertimeTracking.Quarter, Format([ActionDate])
HAVING (((Employees.otdeirelist) Like "10" Or (Employees.otdeirelist) Like
"12") AND ((OvertimeTracking.Quarter)=[Enter Quarter]));

Ken Snell \(MVP\)

It's not clear how Year fits into this query? The query is "getting" a
quarter (which I assume is a value of 1 to 4, but that may not be right),
but not a year value? You'll need to give us more info about your data
structure before we can give specific suggestions.

I do recommend that the query's structure be changed to this, using your
current query, so that it will run faster (using WHERE clauses to filter out
data instead of HAVING -- WHERE filtering is done before grouping and
summing the data, whereas HAVING filtering is done after the grouping and
summing) -- be sure to double-check the AND/OR groupings and parentheses in
the WHERE clause as I may have not combined them quite the way you wanted:

SELECT Employees.SSI, Sum(OvertimeTracking.oTDLhOURUSED) AS
SumOfoTDLhOURUSED, [Last Name] & ", " & [First Name] AS Expr2,
Employees.otdeirelist, OvertimeTracking.Quarter,
AS SumOfoTDLOP, Sum(OvertimeTracking.oTBlocked) AS SumOfoTBlocked,
Sum(OvertimeTracking.oVERtIMErEFUSED) AS SumOfoVERtIMErEFUSED,
Format([ActionDate]) AS Expr1
FROM Employees INNER JOIN OvertimeTracking ON Employees.SSI =
WHERE (OvertimeTracking.aUTHORIZED Like 1 Or
OvertimeTracking.aUTHORIZED Like 4) AND (Employees.otdeirelist Like "10" Or
Employees.otdeirelist Like "12") AND
OvertimeTracking.Quarter=[Enter Quarter]
GROUP BY Employees.SSI, [Last Name] & ", " & [First Name], Employees.Day,
Employees.otdeirelist, OvertimeTracking.Quarter, Format([ActionDate]);

I also see that you're using "OvertimeTracking.aUTHORIZED Like 1" and
"OvertimeTracking.aUTHORIZED Like 4" in the query. If [aUTHORIZED] is a text
field, it's better if you put ' characters around the 1 and the 4.

Also, I note that you're using Day as the name of a field in a table. it and
many other words are reserved words in ACCESS and should not be used for
field names, etc. See these Knowledge Base articles for more information
about reserved words and characters that should not be used:

List of reserved words in Access 2002 and Access 2003;en-us;286335

List of Microsoft Jet 4.0 reserved words

Special characters that you must avoid when you work with Access

See this site for code that allows you to validate your names as not being
VBA keywords:

basIsValidIdent - Validate Names to Make Sure They Aren't VBA Keywords


Ken Snell

Nick said:
The query I am using is to report information by "Year" and "Quarter" but
have found that it reports by "Quarter" regardles of year. There fore I am
getting totals of quarters for the last several years. How can it be
corrected to do as requested?
Query: SELECT Employees.SSI, Sum(OvertimeTracking.oTDLhOURUSED) AS
SumOfoTDLhOURUSED, [Last Name] & ", " & [First Name] AS Expr2,
Employees.otdeirelist, OvertimeTracking.Quarter,
AS SumOfoTDLOP, Sum(OvertimeTracking.oTBlocked) AS SumOfoTBlocked,
Sum(OvertimeTracking.oVERtIMErEFUSED) AS SumOfoVERtIMErEFUSED,
Format([ActionDate]) AS Expr1
FROM Employees INNER JOIN OvertimeTracking ON Employees.SSI =
WHERE (((OvertimeTracking.aUTHORIZED) Like 1 Or
(OvertimeTracking.aUTHORIZED) Like 4))
GROUP BY Employees.SSI, [Last Name] & ", " & [First Name], Employees.Day,
Employees.otdeirelist, OvertimeTracking.Quarter, Format([ActionDate])
HAVING (((Employees.otdeirelist) Like "10" Or (Employees.otdeirelist) Like
"12") AND ((OvertimeTracking.Quarter)=[Enter Quarter]));


Thanks! I have made corrections as you suggested. The year request is the
"ActionDate". I have made changes to query that include a year request. This
request returns the correct data with the exception of the year it returns
1905 no matter what year I enter and not the actual year. I need to have the
requested year on the report.
SELECT Employees.SSI, Sum(OvertimeTracking.oTDLhOURUSED) AS
SumOfoTDLhOURUSED, [Last Name] & ", " & [First Name] AS Expr2, Employees.Day,
Employees.otdeirelist, OvertimeTracking.Quarter, Sum(OvertimeTracking.oTDLOP)
AS SumOfoTDLOP, Sum(OvertimeTracking.oTBlocked) AS SumOfoTBlocked,
Sum(OvertimeTracking.oVERtIMErEFUSED) AS SumOfoVERtIMErEFUSED,
Year([Actiondate]) AS oTDLdaTE
FROM Employees INNER JOIN OvertimeTracking ON Employees.SSI =
WHERE (((OvertimeTracking.Quarter)=[Enter Quarter]) AND
((OvertimeTracking.aUTHORIZED) Like 1 Or (OvertimeTracking.aUTHORIZED) Like
4) AND ((Employees.otdeirelist) Like "10" Or (Employees.otdeirelist) Like
GROUP BY Employees.SSI, [Last Name] & ", " & [First Name], Employees.Day,
Employees.otdeirelist, OvertimeTracking.Quarter, Year([Actiondate]);

Ken Snell (MVP) said:
It's not clear how Year fits into this query? The query is "getting" a
quarter (which I assume is a value of 1 to 4, but that may not be right),
but not a year value? You'll need to give us more info about your data
structure before we can give specific suggestions.

I do recommend that the query's structure be changed to this, using your
current query, so that it will run faster (using WHERE clauses to filter out
data instead of HAVING -- WHERE filtering is done before grouping and
summing the data, whereas HAVING filtering is done after the grouping and
summing) -- be sure to double-check the AND/OR groupings and parentheses in
the WHERE clause as I may have not combined them quite the way you wanted:

SELECT Employees.SSI, Sum(OvertimeTracking.oTDLhOURUSED) AS
SumOfoTDLhOURUSED, [Last Name] & ", " & [First Name] AS Expr2,
Employees.otdeirelist, OvertimeTracking.Quarter,
AS SumOfoTDLOP, Sum(OvertimeTracking.oTBlocked) AS SumOfoTBlocked,
Sum(OvertimeTracking.oVERtIMErEFUSED) AS SumOfoVERtIMErEFUSED,
Format([ActionDate]) AS Expr1
FROM Employees INNER JOIN OvertimeTracking ON Employees.SSI =
WHERE (OvertimeTracking.aUTHORIZED Like 1 Or
OvertimeTracking.aUTHORIZED Like 4) AND (Employees.otdeirelist Like "10" Or
Employees.otdeirelist Like "12") AND
OvertimeTracking.Quarter=[Enter Quarter]
GROUP BY Employees.SSI, [Last Name] & ", " & [First Name], Employees.Day,
Employees.otdeirelist, OvertimeTracking.Quarter, Format([ActionDate]);

I also see that you're using "OvertimeTracking.aUTHORIZED Like 1" and
"OvertimeTracking.aUTHORIZED Like 4" in the query. If [aUTHORIZED] is a text
field, it's better if you put ' characters around the 1 and the 4.

Also, I note that you're using Day as the name of a field in a table. it and
many other words are reserved words in ACCESS and should not be used for
field names, etc. See these Knowledge Base articles for more information
about reserved words and characters that should not be used:

List of reserved words in Access 2002 and Access 2003;en-us;286335

List of Microsoft Jet 4.0 reserved words

Special characters that you must avoid when you work with Access

See this site for code that allows you to validate your names as not being
VBA keywords:

basIsValidIdent - Validate Names to Make Sure They Aren't VBA Keywords


Ken Snell

Nick said:
The query I am using is to report information by "Year" and "Quarter" but
have found that it reports by "Quarter" regardles of year. There fore I am
getting totals of quarters for the last several years. How can it be
corrected to do as requested?
Query: SELECT Employees.SSI, Sum(OvertimeTracking.oTDLhOURUSED) AS
SumOfoTDLhOURUSED, [Last Name] & ", " & [First Name] AS Expr2,
Employees.otdeirelist, OvertimeTracking.Quarter,
AS SumOfoTDLOP, Sum(OvertimeTracking.oTBlocked) AS SumOfoTBlocked,
Sum(OvertimeTracking.oVERtIMErEFUSED) AS SumOfoVERtIMErEFUSED,
Format([ActionDate]) AS Expr1
FROM Employees INNER JOIN OvertimeTracking ON Employees.SSI =
WHERE (((OvertimeTracking.aUTHORIZED) Like 1 Or
(OvertimeTracking.aUTHORIZED) Like 4))
GROUP BY Employees.SSI, [Last Name] & ", " & [First Name], Employees.Day,
Employees.otdeirelist, OvertimeTracking.Quarter, Format([ActionDate])
HAVING (((Employees.otdeirelist) Like "10" Or (Employees.otdeirelist) Like
"12") AND ((OvertimeTracking.Quarter)=[Enter Quarter]));

Ken Snell \(MVP\)

Your query does not ask for the year from the user; try this:

SELECT Employees.SSI, Sum(OvertimeTracking.oTDLhOURUSED) AS
SumOfoTDLhOURUSED, [Last Name] & ", " & [First Name] AS Expr2,
Employees.otdeirelist, OvertimeTracking.Quarter,
AS SumOfoTDLOP, Sum(OvertimeTracking.oTBlocked) AS SumOfoTBlocked,
Sum(OvertimeTracking.oVERtIMErEFUSED) AS SumOfoVERtIMErEFUSED,
Year([Actiondate]) AS oTDLdaTE
FROM Employees INNER JOIN OvertimeTracking ON Employees.SSI =
WHERE (((OvertimeTracking.Quarter)=[Enter Quarter]) AND
((OvertimeTracking.aUTHORIZED) Like 1 Or (OvertimeTracking.aUTHORIZED) Like
4) AND ((Employees.otdeirelist) Like "10" Or (Employees.otdeirelist) Like
"12") AND Year([Actiondate])=[Enter the year (yyyy):])
GROUP BY Employees.SSI, [Last Name] & ", " & [First Name], Employees.Day,
Employees.otdeirelist, OvertimeTracking.Quarter, Year([Actiondate]);


Ken Snell

Nick said:
Thanks! I have made corrections as you suggested. The year request is the
"ActionDate". I have made changes to query that include a year request.
request returns the correct data with the exception of the year it
1905 no matter what year I enter and not the actual year. I need to have
requested year on the report.
SELECT Employees.SSI, Sum(OvertimeTracking.oTDLhOURUSED) AS
SumOfoTDLhOURUSED, [Last Name] & ", " & [First Name] AS Expr2,
Employees.otdeirelist, OvertimeTracking.Quarter,
AS SumOfoTDLOP, Sum(OvertimeTracking.oTBlocked) AS SumOfoTBlocked,
Sum(OvertimeTracking.oVERtIMErEFUSED) AS SumOfoVERtIMErEFUSED,
Year([Actiondate]) AS oTDLdaTE
FROM Employees INNER JOIN OvertimeTracking ON Employees.SSI =
WHERE (((OvertimeTracking.Quarter)=[Enter Quarter]) AND
((OvertimeTracking.aUTHORIZED) Like 1 Or (OvertimeTracking.aUTHORIZED)
4) AND ((Employees.otdeirelist) Like "10" Or (Employees.otdeirelist) Like
GROUP BY Employees.SSI, [Last Name] & ", " & [First Name], Employees.Day,
Employees.otdeirelist, OvertimeTracking.Quarter, Year([Actiondate]);

Ken Snell (MVP) said:
It's not clear how Year fits into this query? The query is "getting" a
quarter (which I assume is a value of 1 to 4, but that may not be right),
but not a year value? You'll need to give us more info about your data
structure before we can give specific suggestions.

I do recommend that the query's structure be changed to this, using your
current query, so that it will run faster (using WHERE clauses to filter
data instead of HAVING -- WHERE filtering is done before grouping and
summing the data, whereas HAVING filtering is done after the grouping and
summing) -- be sure to double-check the AND/OR groupings and parentheses
the WHERE clause as I may have not combined them quite the way you

SELECT Employees.SSI, Sum(OvertimeTracking.oTDLhOURUSED) AS
SumOfoTDLhOURUSED, [Last Name] & ", " & [First Name] AS Expr2,
Employees.otdeirelist, OvertimeTracking.Quarter,
AS SumOfoTDLOP, Sum(OvertimeTracking.oTBlocked) AS SumOfoTBlocked,
Sum(OvertimeTracking.oVERtIMErEFUSED) AS SumOfoVERtIMErEFUSED,
Format([ActionDate]) AS Expr1
FROM Employees INNER JOIN OvertimeTracking ON Employees.SSI =
WHERE (OvertimeTracking.aUTHORIZED Like 1 Or
OvertimeTracking.aUTHORIZED Like 4) AND (Employees.otdeirelist Like "10"
Employees.otdeirelist Like "12") AND
OvertimeTracking.Quarter=[Enter Quarter]
GROUP BY Employees.SSI, [Last Name] & ", " & [First Name], Employees.Day,
Employees.otdeirelist, OvertimeTracking.Quarter, Format([ActionDate]);

I also see that you're using "OvertimeTracking.aUTHORIZED Like 1" and
"OvertimeTracking.aUTHORIZED Like 4" in the query. If [aUTHORIZED] is a
field, it's better if you put ' characters around the 1 and the 4.

Also, I note that you're using Day as the name of a field in a table. it
many other words are reserved words in ACCESS and should not be used for
field names, etc. See these Knowledge Base articles for more information
about reserved words and characters that should not be used:

List of reserved words in Access 2002 and Access 2003;en-us;286335

List of Microsoft Jet 4.0 reserved words

Special characters that you must avoid when you work with Access

See this site for code that allows you to validate your names as not
VBA keywords:

basIsValidIdent - Validate Names to Make Sure They Aren't VBA


Ken Snell

Nick said:
The query I am using is to report information by "Year" and "Quarter"
have found that it reports by "Quarter" regardles of year. There fore I
getting totals of quarters for the last several years. How can it be
corrected to do as requested?
Query: SELECT Employees.SSI, Sum(OvertimeTracking.oTDLhOURUSED) AS
SumOfoTDLhOURUSED, [Last Name] & ", " & [First Name] AS Expr2,
Employees.otdeirelist, OvertimeTracking.Quarter,
AS SumOfoTDLOP, Sum(OvertimeTracking.oTBlocked) AS SumOfoTBlocked,
Sum(OvertimeTracking.oVERtIMErEFUSED) AS SumOfoVERtIMErEFUSED,
Format([ActionDate]) AS Expr1
FROM Employees INNER JOIN OvertimeTracking ON Employees.SSI =
WHERE (((OvertimeTracking.aUTHORIZED) Like 1 Or
(OvertimeTracking.aUTHORIZED) Like 4))
GROUP BY Employees.SSI, [Last Name] & ", " & [First Name],
Employees.otdeirelist, OvertimeTracking.Quarter, Format([ActionDate])
HAVING (((Employees.otdeirelist) Like "10" Or (Employees.otdeirelist)
"12") AND ((OvertimeTracking.Quarter)=[Enter Quarter]));

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