Problem playing games



Can anyone help with this problem....whenever i go to play my game Championship Manager 03/04 on Microsoft XP Home Edition. It loads up so far then my monitor shuts down. I've had to restart my computer and then it kept doing this whenever i loaded up windows. I ended up having to choose to run windows on the last working option. The game did previously work with Windows 98 and it is compatable with xp
Any Help fixing this would be appreciated




is this only with cm 03/04 do other games work. is it a legal copy of the
game and have u update with any patchs
Stuart said:
Can anyone help with this problem....whenever i go to play my game
Championship Manager 03/04 on Microsoft XP Home Edition. It loads up so far
then my monitor shuts down. I've had to restart my computer and then it kept
doing this whenever i loaded up windows. I ended up having to choose to run
windows on the last working option. The game did previously work with
Windows 98 and it is compatable with xp.


Yes this is a legal copy of the game, I havent updated it with patches and other games seem to work fine. Help!!!

----- woz wrote: ----

is this only with cm 03/04 do other games work. is it a legal copy of th
game and have u update with any patch
Stuart said:
Can anyone help with this problem....whenever i go to play my gam
Championship Manager 03/04 on Microsoft XP Home Edition. It loads up so fa
then my monitor shuts down. I've had to restart my computer and then it kep
doing this whenever i loaded up windows. I ended up having to choose to ru
windows on the last working option. The game did previously work wit
Windows 98 and it is compatable with xp

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