Problem Opening Excel spreadsheets on a network


Scott Wishard

I have run into an issue with some users (XP and 2000 machines) when
attempting to open an Excel 2000 spreadsheet, generally from a shortcut, but
sometimes not, the worksheet itself will fail to load. Excel will open, the
menu and tool bars are there but the area that displays the cells is blank.

The problem appears intermittent, but can be duplicated on a couple
machines, but not all.This has happened with several different files. I have
not been able to find a common denominator during my attempts to resolve
this problem. The affected systems are not running nor have had installed in
the past any norton suite.

If anyone has run into this before I would appreciate any suggestions. Email
(e-mail address removed)

Dave Peterson

Sometimes one of these works:

Tools|Options|General|Ignore other applications (uncheck it)

--- or ---

Close Excel (both instances) and
Windows Start Button|Run
excel /unregserver
Windows Start Button|Run
excel /regserver

The /unregserver & /regserver stuff resets the windows registry to excel's
factory defaults.

Scott Wishard


Thanks, I will give this a try the next time a user hollars about it. One
thing interesting I found the other day, the problem manifested itself. I
opened and closed a couple other spreadsheets, and the problem self
corrected.... strange.


Dave Peterson

I've noticed the problem mostly with paths/filenames that contain spaces.
(Maybe you got lucky by not opening any with spaces??)

But I don't know what turns this off--And I don't know what turns it back on
(but I'd be coincidence over permanent fix)--just a guess.

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