Problem: Open new browser window




I have a aspx page on which I have a button. In the click event method
in code-behind I do some processing and now need to open a new window
in another browser and pass a couple of parameters.

I included in my aspx file, the following js function:

function OpenChecklist(strCaseID)
var url = "/ABC/DEF.aspx?qsSubjectID=" + strSubjectID
var f =
"width=700,height=450,left=75,top=75,status=no,toolbar=no,menubar=no,locati­on=no";,"Subject Checklist",f)


My codebehind has the following
Public Sub cmdSubject_ServerClick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal
e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdSubject.ServerClick

--do some processing here
-- now would like a way to call the method (passing some parameters)
and opening a new browser window

End Sub

Now how do I call this function, not from the onclick() event but from
within the click event procedure?

One way I was told is using onload function. Would appreciate is
someone could provide some more details on how to do this?


This isn't really doable server side, but there are ways to work around it.
Opening a "popup" window is a client side action, performed using JavaScript.

What you will want to do is apply the JavaScript for your "cmdSubject"
button. To do this:

cmdSubject.Attributes.Add("onclick", "OpenCheckList(strCaseId)");

In this way, you won't have to perform a postback to popup the new window.
However, you will need to find a way to pass the variable "strCaseId" to the
JavaScript function. I would suggest storing this in a hidden field, or an
invisible div.

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