problem installing printer driver - "zugriff verweigert"


klaus liedtke

good morning,

i'm having a problem installing a local printer driver on
a certain pc.
problem occurs with any driver, independent of make &
model, so i think it's the windows installation program.
installation runs fine with driver files (dlls & the like)
being installed into the windows & system directories,
looks that everything is ok so far.
at the very end (at least it seems to be) of the
installation process, however, i get a error message
reading (sorry, it's a german system *g*)

Der Druckertreiber wurde nicht installiert. Zugriff

The Translation should read as follows (approx.):

"Printer Installations Wizard(?) (this is the title line)
Printer driver could not be installed. Access denied."

Everything with the XP system seems to be fine, as far as
i can tell, virus scan disabled/de-installed, registry
checked with regclean, any previous printers removed etc.

I dont have any more ideas - somebody to my rescue?

(*smile* I am the administrator, thank you)

Klaus Liedtke

Michael Leon [MSFT]

Unfortunately, the printer driver might be attempting to write to a
protected part of the registry where printer drivers have no business. Some
third party imaging device drivers do this too (usually as a result of not
following the DDK).

Is the driver you are installing an XP driver? (Some W2K drivers are kernel
mode drivers and may attempting to write to somewhere not allowed in XP for
security reasons.) Will any other printer install on this machine? Will this
same printer install on another XP box?

good luck!

- me

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