Problem installing BJC8200



Gday all, I have just installed XP Home and can't get my printer to print, I
have installed the XP driver from the Canon site, the install instructions
ars for a plug and play printer , but mine is not usb it connects to lpt1
port, so I sel;ected manual connection and the driver is loaded, but when I
try to print I get ..printer not responding and then printer out of paper !
which it isn't, so I am hoping someone can help me out ,


Thanks for the link Mary, I did go through the FAQ's etc. and have just gone
through it all again,uninstalling reinstalling etc. I did exactly as the
Canon site says, but no luck ! when going through the troubleshooting on the
Canon site, it seems to end up giving answers for USB connections, which is
of no help to me :( maybe I need a USB connection for the 8200, is this
possible ?
thanks again

Cari \(MS-MVP\)

It should work on an LPT connection..... provided of course your LPT port is
enabled in the BIOS and found in the Device Manager. I have an old (now
retired) BJC-8200 which I ran on XP Pro for about a year or so with no

However if you have a USB port, it will work better!


Hi Cari, yep all's well in the bios, and device manager says it is working
ok, I tried all the different settings in the bios, SPP ECP ECP+EPP, no go !
and when in SPP mode I disabled ECP mode in the driver, so I think I have
just about covered everything, the printer works fine on my old machine
running Win98, so I know the printer is ok, I do have plenty of USB ports on
the computer, but only have the LPT cable from the printer, I asked at my
local store "Harvey Norman" but they didn't have or know if I could get one,
I will do some ringing round the shops tomorrow, it will give my computer a
chance to recover from all the re-starts ;) if you think of anything that I
have missed checking ,please let me know thanks

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