PROBLEM in public class


Jassim Rahma


I have a problem with the public class. I am trying to save the last
identifier which I am getting correctrly but when I try to read I am
getting 0. The public class is like this:

public class global_var

private int record_id;

public int int_record_id

set {record_id = value;}
get {return record_id;}


and the code to read is:

global_var GlobalVariables = new global_var();


to set the value I am using:

GlobalVariables.int_record_id = some_int_figure_here;

many Thanks,
Jassim Rahma

Joanna Carter \(TeamB\)

I have a problem with the public class. I am trying to save the last
identifier which I am getting correctrly but when I try to read I am
getting 0. The public class is like this:

public class global_var

private int record_id;

public int int_record_id

set {record_id = value;}
get {return record_id;}


and the code to read is:

global_var GlobalVariables = new global_var();


to set the value I am using:

GlobalVariables.int_record_id = some_int_figure_here;

My guess would be that the instance you create is being garbage collected
and/or you are creating a new instance more than once.

If you want such a concept as a "global var" then you should use static
properties rather than instance ones.


public class GlobalVariables
private static int recordId;

public static int RecordId

get {return recordId;}
set {recordId = value;}

Then you don't need to call the constructor, just address the class (static)
properties directly :

GlobalVariables.RecordId = 25;


Jassim Rahma

Hi Joanna,

I tried this code:
public class global_var
private static int record_id;
public static int int_record_id
set {record_id = value;}
get {return record_id;}

but getting this error:

'global_var.record_id' is inaccessible due to its protection level

Many Thanks,
Jassim Rahma

Joanna Carter \(TeamB\)

'global_var.record_id' is inaccessible due to its protection level

That's because you are trying to acces the private field, not the public

I used the MS recommended syntax for property and field names, your
non-standard convention has caused you to misread my code example :)


Joanna Carter (TeamB)

Consultant Software Engineer
TeamBUG support for UK-BUG
TeamMM support for ModelMaker

Jon Skeet [C# MVP]

Jassim Rahma said:
Hi Joanna,

I tried this code:
public class global_var
private static int record_id;
public static int int_record_id
set {record_id = value;}
get {return record_id;}

but getting this error:

'global_var.record_id' is inaccessible due to its protection level

Yes, you should be using the property (which is public) rather than the
variable (which is private).

Jassim Rahma

yes it's working now..

i just wanted to say than you very much.

Many Thanks,
Jassim Rahma

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