Problem formatting decimals in ComboBox

  • Thread starter TylerTheCoderGuy
  • Start date



I have the following line of code in the UserForm_Initialize() section
to show a 3-decimal placeholder in the selected item of the combobox:

comboBox1.Text = FormatNumber((Worksheets("Worksheet1").Cells(13,
5).Value), 3)

I am getting the error message: "Run-time error '380': Could not set
the Text property. Invalid property value."

Does anybody have any ideas as to what would be causing this error?

Best regards,


I just realized that my code works in the English (United States)
Language Region formatting, but it is giving me errors when I switch to
German Language Region.


Have you configured the combobox in some way so it doesn't allow the
assignment? does the value match a value in the dropdown list. Is the list
single column? have you used the boundcolumn or textcolumn properties. Have
you enforced matching. Just some things to look at as well as other


Tom said:
Have you configured the combobox in some way so it doesn't allow the
assignment? does the value match a value in the dropdown list. Is the list
single column? have you used the boundcolumn or textcolumn properties. Have
you enforced matching. Just some things to look at as well as other


Thanks Tom - I deleted the comboBox and put in a new one and the
default values allowed this to work in both German and English regional
languages. Thanks!

Another problem has arisen and I can't find the root of it:

In German regional language settings, if I select anything greater than
0.999 it will eliminate the decimal seperator. For example:

I select 0,999 from the list, and it will show 0,999 after I leave
I select 1,000 from the list, and it will show 1000 after I leave focus

This is storing as 1000 in the worksheet too, and it's screwing up the
numbers! Only happening in European regional language settings...


Not having a German version, I would break the link and manage it with code.

However, you might get a better answer from someone who actually deals with
that problem.

I would post this as a new topic (there are people from many european
countries who post) or try posting in a German language excel related

Tom Ogilvy


Cool I'll give that a try.

Also - just an FYI - I go to Windows--> Control Panel --> and go to the
Languages and Regions and change it from USA to German. I have the
English version myself.

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