Problem concerning working with an uncertain # of rows


Jim Lee

Hi all,

Based off a parameter query from a database, say I return the data to
an excel worksheet with columns 1 & 2 below. Because the output is
based off criteria, I don't know how many row entries there are for
the first two columns, and I need to make column 3. I'm going to to
need to do this multiple times for multiple queries, so I want to make
a VBA function to make entries in col 3 and stop at the last row. Any

(Col 1) (Col 2) (Col 3)
(row 1) 45 39 =(r1c1 + r1c2)
(row 2) 34 78 =(r1c1 + r2c2)
. . . .
. . . .
. . . .
? ? ? ?

Thanks much in advance,


Use this

x = Activesheet.Usedrange.rows.count

This will give u a count of all rows with data
Then you can use a for loo

for y = 2 to x
cells(x,3)= MyValue 'start at row 2, column 3(C

----- Jim Lee wrote: ----

Hi all

Based off a parameter query from a database, say I return the data t
an excel worksheet with columns 1 & 2 below. Because the output i
based off criteria, I don't know how many row entries there are fo
the first two columns, and I need to make column 3. I'm going to t
need to do this multiple times for multiple queries, so I want to mak
a VBA function to make entries in col 3 and stop at the last row. An

(Col 1) (Col 2) (Col 3
(row 1) 45 39 =(r1c1 + r1c2
(row 2) 34 78 =(r1c1 + r2c2
. . .
. . .
. . .
? ? ?

Thanks much in advance

Gord Dibben


I don't work with RxCx refs so.....

With the formula =A1 + B1 in C1

Sub Auto_Fill()
Dim lrow As Long
With ActiveSheet
lrow = Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
Range("C1:C" & lrow).FillDown
End With
End Sub

Gord Dibben Excel MVP

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