probable cause web based app timeout page does not display must refresh



I started a new job at a company with no in house IT department (has
outside consultants).

I'm not a network engineer but know more about computers than my

Mission critical app we all use all day long is a web based contact
management system.

I figure the app is actually running in house on the server, but maybe
not. I know we have a T1.

Anyhow, many times when we mouse on a link in the application we will
get an Internet Explorer white page with some error message (which I
will try to document tomorrow).

I figure we get the error because of a timeout of some sort.

A right click refresh or go back / go forward displays the needed

What is the possible / probable causes for this error (as opposed to
just a slow loading of the page)?


I started a new job at a company with no in house IT department (has
outside consultants).

I'm not a network engineer but know more about computers than my

Mission critical app we all use all day long is a web based contact
management system.

I figure the app is actually running in house on the server, but maybe
not. I know we have a T1.

Anyhow, many times when we mouse on a link in the application we will
get an Internet Explorer white page with some error message (which I
will try to document tomorrow).

I figure we get the error because of a timeout of some sort.

A right click refresh or go back / go forward displays the needed

What is the possible / probable causes for this error (as opposed to
just a slow loading of the page)?

If Internet Explorer is trying to access a distant server thru the Internet, I'd
suspect an MTU setting problem. Or vaguely possible a DNS problem.

If this is an internal error, and you have no IT support, we may have to do some
intensive analysis here. Read some of my articles, and start by providing
diagnostic details.

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