Printing speaker notes pages from PPT



Hopefully someone will know of a product that will help me with my problems!
Here's my situation....

My client seems to like having a version of each PowerPoint he gives,
printed out with speaker notes, which would normally be no problem. But he's
found this format that he likes, that is both the slide and the speaker notes
printed on separate pages and both 8.5x11 landscape. The end product is
duplex printed (landscape) and bound, so you have the speaker notes on the
top page and the corresponding slide on the lower page.

If this was only going to happen to 1 or 2 presentations a year I would
continue exporting the slides as JPGs and inserting into Word along with the
speaker notes as I'm currently doing. But this appears to be a weekly
occurrence and has become a real hassle with each presentation having 2
different files (Word and PPT file). Does anyone know of a 3rd party add-on
or plug-in that might help me with this?

Thanks in advance!!


Steve Rindsberg

Hopefully someone will know of a product that will help me with my problems!
Here's my situation....

My client seems to like having a version of each PowerPoint he gives,
printed out with speaker notes, which would normally be no problem. But he's
found this format that he likes, that is both the slide and the speaker notes
printed on separate pages and both 8.5x11 landscape. The end product is
duplex printed (landscape) and bound, so you have the speaker notes on the
top page and the corresponding slide on the lower page.

If this was only going to happen to 1 or 2 presentations a year I would
continue exporting the slides as JPGs and inserting into Word along with the
speaker notes as I'm currently doing. But this appears to be a weekly
occurrence and has become a real hassle with each presentation having 2
different files (Word and PPT file). Does anyone know of a 3rd party add-on
or plug-in that might help me with this?

Here's a rather crude little macro that'll help. It'll add a new slide after each slide in the
presentation, add a text shape and set the text to the text in the notes page text placeholder.

Sub NotesToSlides()

Dim oSl As Slide
Dim oSh As Shape
Dim x As Long
Dim oPres As Presentation
Dim oNotes as shape
Set oPres = ActivePresentation

For x = oPres.Slides.Count To 1 Step -1
Set oSl = oPres.Slides.Add(x + 1, ppLayoutBlank)
With oSl
' Add a text box at rather arbitrary position; change if you like:
Set oSh = .Shapes.AddTextbox(msoTextOrientationHorizontal, _
100, 100, 250, 250)
set oNotes = activepresentation.slides(x).NotesPage.Shapes("Rectangle 3")
With oSh.TextFrame.TextRange
.Text = oNotes.TextFrame.TextRange.Text
' you could add formatting code here;
' set the font and stuff
End With
End With

End Sub

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