Printing preview

  • Thread starter Michael Breitsameter
  • Start date

Michael Breitsameter

Forms in Access have the properties popup and modal. Popup brings the form
in front of the z-order and modal makes it impossible to activate forms with
a lower z-order than the form just opened. If you start a Access-report with
preview from a form with popup = true and modal = true, the window with the
preview disappears in the background. The user have to close or to minimize
alle forms before he can regard to preview. Is there any possibility to give
the preview a appropriate z-order if it is opened from a popup and/or


Allen Browne

In Access 2002 and 2003, you can open the report in dialog mode also:
DoCmd.OpenReport "Report1", acViewPreview, WindowMode:=acDialog

The underlying issue, though, is whether opening everything in dialog mode
is a good design. Someone who uses the database constantly might consider it
a disadvantage that they cannot get from one thing to another without
closing them each in turn. IMHO, forcing the the user to squeeze into a
straight jacket and perform a series of steps in order means that you lose
many of the benefits of event-driven programming.

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