Printing multiple copies



I am working with an application that has to print work tickets based on number of batches. If my batch # field contains 1, I have to print 1 work ticket. If batch # field contains 5, I have to print 5 copies of the work ticket. How can I do this

Cheryl Fischer

Perhaps a simple loop ...

Dim i as Integer

For i = 1 to Me!BatchNumberField

' your existing code to print the work ticket

next i


Cheryl Fischer, MVP Microsoft Access
Law/Sys Associates, Houston, TX

FRANK said:
I am working with an application that has to print work tickets based on
number of batches. If my batch # field contains 1, I have to print 1 work
ticket. If batch # field contains 5, I have to print 5 copies of the work
ticket. How can I do this?

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