printing business cards from a .jpg


Mary E. Stigler

I had saved a business card with a graphic, as
a .jpg on my old computer which had Win 98, and MS
I now have Windows XP, and only MS Works. I then
saved a sheet of the cards into MS WORD, but for some
reason it will not print them. (It is not a printer
problem). I called tech support, and was told it is a
program probem with MS Word not recognizing my sheet.
How can I use the original .jpg card to print cards
on Avery Inkjet card sheets? I have no cards left to
scan into the computer.
I cannot copy and paste, as the only way I found to
print a card in MS Word is to use the "Envelopes &
Labels" window, which has no edit, copy, paste, etc.,

Thanks for any help.


I use MSWorks word processor - not word - and have no problem with it. I
have XP also..


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