printing a union of non-contiguous cells- help!



Hi there,

Can anyone help? I've not had much use of the vba print functions, so this
may be an trivial question.

I need to print a union of ranges that are not adjacent to eachother. This
union needs to appear under a "header" which is itself a range. *The problem
is that none of the ranges are printed on the same sheet*. I've tried:
i) pasting the ranges to a worksheet in such a way that they are contiguous
but the column widths of the cells are incompatible so this one's out.
ii) using .copyPicture and pasting to a word document, but this is probably

Any suggestions would really be appreciated!

Thanks in advance, Noel

Tom Ogilvy

discontiguous ranges are printed on separate sheets.

You have cited two methods which I would have suggested, although I would do
the copypicture to a new excel worksheet and print from there. so your
alternatives are clever workarounds as the functionality you require is not
directly supported.

Tom Ogilvy

Just to add an additional thought:
I should add you can hide rows and columns of non printing ranges on the
existing sheet - but based on the statement about the column widths, not
sure that the layout of your data supports this option.


You're right unfortunately. I'm really quite surprised at the limitations of
excel's print functionality.


Thanks Ron. Checked out your site - that's essentially what I'm doing. But
thanks for the shft key tip...didn't know it was there!

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