Printable form results.




I would like if possible to include a Print Details button after client has
filled in a form. I will use
DIM strBoxName
strBoxName = Request.Form("BoxName")
to pass the variables from the form

I can use a Confirmation Page if nes. But in this case is it possible to
set the page limits. That is to make the page A4 (or slightly smaller) with
page breaks, etc.

Or is it possible to have a button the opens a word doc with the fields merged

If anyone knows of a webpage that gives details (with simple to use
instrcutions) it would be a great help.

Many thanks

Paul C

Hi Wayne
You could try a response write where the "your email has been sent
successfully" message appears
<%Response.write strBoxName%> you might have to contain this in a table to
keep the text together in printable chunk

then use javascript to print the page. do a search for print buttons in
javascript there are loads

If you page design makes a mess of the print then you could use a form with
the response write in a text box field like
<input type="text" name="box_name" value="<%Response.write strBoxName%>"
to pass the info to a blank page with no page images and print from there.

Paul M


Hi Paul

Thank you for your expertise

Manchester, England.

Paul C said:
Hi Wayne
You could try a response write where the "your email has been sent
successfully" message appears
<%Response.write strBoxName%> you might have to contain this in a table to
keep the text together in printable chunk

then use javascript to print the page. do a search for print buttons in
javascript there are loads

If you page design makes a mess of the print then you could use a form with
the response write in a text box field like
<input type="text" name="box_name" value="<%Response.write strBoxName%>"
to pass the info to a blank page with no page images and print from there.

Paul M

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