Print web form(urgent)



Hi All,
I want to have a link on the web form. On click it should print the web form.
If I use javascript window.print then it displays the Title on the top of the page & URL at the bottom but i don't want any such thing.

Is there any other method to print the complete form

thanks in advance...

Tamir Khason

There are no way to avoid printing headers and footers in browser (this is
internal function) however you can use Crystal Reports Extension to print
nice forms from ASP.NET or any other 3rd part ActiveX (eg.
In order to print "less" garbage use CSS to generate print view, but even
withit you can not full avoid printing of internals.

However you can build your own ActiveX wich prevent printing headers. In
order to do this you only have to change
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\PageSetup this
registry header and footer value to "". BUT I'd be very VERY angry if
someone'll try to change any registry key in my computer...

Tamir Khason
You want dot.NET? Just ask:
"Please, "

Das said:
Hi All,
I want to have a link on the web form. On click it should print the web form.
If I use javascript window.print then it displays the Title on the top
of the page & URL at the bottom but i don't want any such thing.


Dear Tamir,
thanks for your reply,
What if, I want untill the user selected or cancelled the window.print() dialog box.
I want modal form like behavior.



Thanks again for reply, Even though I call a onclick event, It will simply execute What I want to wait until the user has selected or cancelled the print dialog box. I want some notification after showing the print dialog box. so that after that I can perform some operation.


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