Print rows from DataGrid matching criteria



(new to programming/student)
I am using VS.Net 2003 (visual basic) on Windows XP with SQL Server
2005 Express.

I have one table in the SQL database that i brought into VS using
DataGrid. I am able to view, edit and delete rows just fine.

I would like to be able to pull/print rows where certian columns value
meets a certian criteria. The column values are just integers.

Example: Print all rows to rtxtPrintText where column 2 contains the
value 25.

I know this may sound like basic stuff to a lot of you. Like I said,
I'm just learning.



littleccguy said:
(new to programming/student)
I am using VS.Net 2003 (visual basic) on Windows XP with SQL Server
2005 Express.

I have one table in the SQL database that i brought into VS using
DataGrid. I am able to view, edit and delete rows just fine.

I would like to be able to pull/print rows where certian columns value
meets a certian criteria. The column values are just integers.

Example: Print all rows to rtxtPrintText where column 2 contains the
value 25.

I know this may sound like basic stuff to a lot of you. Like I said,
I'm just learning.


You can do this with Crystal Reports but that depends on what version of
VS.Net you have.



I have Crystal, so I was able to do that - thanks.

What if I want to work with the results more in VB.Net before i print.
Say i want to pull each record and then do a second criteria search
within that, or maybe put each record into an array(if that is even
possible.) I'm just trying to practice and understand what I might and
might not be able to do.

Thanks for the quick response Chris

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