Print Reports




I'm having a problem with printing a report where I click a button "Print
Button" on the menu box (top of the screen).

When I run the report that connect to four queries and enter Date Range from
Beginning to End and got a beautiful report then I decide to print the
view report from Menu Button "Print" and it pop up four times from the
Queries (Date Rate). I don't understand that I did enter Date Range once
before getting a report then print view report and it pops up four times
from the queries on the view report after clicking print button.

When I select a report and enter Date Range then got a nice report and
please help me how to print view report without entering date range.

Your help would be much appreciated .

Steve Schapel


One approach you might consider is to put two unbound textboxes on your
form, and enter your beginning date and end date in these textboxes.
Then, in the query that your report is based on, you can refer to these
textboxes in the criteria. If I understand you correctly, this will
mean something like this in the criteria of your date field in the query...
Between [Forms]![YourForm]![DateFrom] And [Forms]![YourForm]![DateTo]

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