Print Preview of form



Using Access 2003 SP2
For new databases, the form details are not visible in print preview. The
visibility of the details section is set to Visible (yes). Any ideas why
only the form detials is not visible in print preview and all other objects
view properly? It is only this database. Databases created in early months
view properly. There are no updates on MS site to indicate an issue.


Using Access 2003 SP2
For new databases, the form details are not visible in print preview. The
visibility of the details section is set to Visible (yes).  Any ideas why
only the form detials is not visible in print preview and all other objects
view properly?  It is only this database.  Databases created in early months
view properly.  There are no updates on MS site to indicate an issue.

Somebody has set the "Display When" property of the detail section to
"Screen Only". Change it back to the default of "Always"

Bob Quintal

Using Access 2003 SP2
For new databases, the form details are not visible in print
preview. The visibility of the details section is set to Visible
(yes). Any ideas why only the form detials is not visible in
print preview and all other objects view properly? It is only
this database. Databases created in early months view properly.
There are no updates on MS site to indicate an issue.
Somebody has set the "Display When" property of the detail section to
"Screen Only". Change it back to the default of "Always"


Thank you fo ryour reply. The form was visible in form view previously with
Display When set to 'always'; however the form is NOT visible in PRINT
Preview. Do you happen to have another idea?


thank you for your earlier reply. The form is only not visible in Print
Preview. Details and form view look beautiful. Do you have another idea?

Bob Quintal

Thank you fo ryour reply. The form was visible in form view
previously with Display When set to 'always'; however the form is
NOT visible in PRINT Preview. Do you happen to have another idea?
You are contradicting what you said earlier, you said before "the
form details are not visible", now you say " the form is not
visible". Which is correct?

Please identify which statements are true.
The details section is visible in print preview.
The details section is visible when printed to paper.
The details section is visible but controls /1 are invisible in
print preview.
The details section is visible but controls /1 are invisible when
printed to paper.

/1 controls include textboxes, labels, command buttons, etc.

BTW, if the Display When on a form's section or a control is set to
Screen Only, you will see the details in Form View, but it will be
hidden in Print Preview and in print.

The only other possibility is some corruption of the database.


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