Print only 1 sheet in a workbook.



I have a workbook with sheets numbered 1 to 20. On another sheet I
have a print button. I need to have the print button work so that it
prints just 1 of those 20 sheets. The sheet number to be printed will
be in a cell on sheet Data3, Cell:C7.

The print button is on another sheet.

I'm at a loss to write a macro that can do this job.
Can anyone help?


Gord Dibben

Sub PrintCopies()
Dim whichone as Long
whichone = Sheets("Data3").Range("C7").Value
End Sub

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP

Dave Peterson

Option Explicit
Sub PrintMe()
dim wks as worksheet
set wks = nothing
on error resume next
set wks = worksheets("Data3").range("C7").value
on error goto 0

if wks is nothing then
msgbox "Not a worksheet name in C7 of Data3"
wks.printout preview:=true
end if
end sub

If you're new to macros, you may want to read David McRitchie's intro at:

Dave Peterson

There could be a bug in both Gord's code and mine.

If there's a number in that cell, then you'll want to make sure that you're
printing the sheet named 3--not the 3rd sheet from the left.

Gord's code would change to this:

Sub PrintCopies()
Dim whichone as Long
whichone = Sheets("Data3").Range("C7").Value
End Sub

And I assumed that they were worksheets. They could be chart sheets. My code
should be changed to this:

Option Explicit
Sub PrintMe()
dim wks as Object
set wks = nothing
on error resume next
set wks = sheets(cstr(worksheets("Data3").range("C7").value))
on error goto 0

if wks is nothing then
msgbox "Not a worksheet name in C7 of Data3"
wks.printout preview:=true
end if
end sub

This line was also wrong in my original suggestion:

set wks = worksheets("Data3").range("C7").value
It should have been:
set wks = worksheets(worksheets("Data3").range("C7").value)
but the cstr() function should have been used, too:
set wks = worksheets(cstr(worksheets("Data3").range("C7").value))


Thanks muchly to both yourself and Gord. I tried Gords suggestion
first and it does exactly what I needed.
I appreciate the time and effort of you both.



It worked fine until I hid all the sheets named 1 to 20.
Can I get it to work with those sheets hidden?

Dave Peterson

Save the current state.
make it visible (if it isn't)
print it
set it back to that original state

Sub PrintCopies()
Dim whichone as String
Dim IsVisible as long
whichone = cstr(Sheets("Data3").Range("C7").Value)
isVisible = sheets(whichone).visible
sheets(whichone).visible = xlsheetvisible
sheets(whichone).visible = isvisible
End Sub

One of the differences between the code I posted and the code Gord posted was
what'll happen when you have a typo in C7.


Thanks Dave. That worked well. It briefly flashes up the selected
sheet and then prints it.
Only trouble now is that it won't work if I put protection on the
workbook structure. I guess I can live with that.

With cell C7 there can't be any typo as the data in that cell comes
from a dropbox elsewhere.

Thanks again for your time


Dave Peterson

You can stop the flickering and unprotect the workbook with something like:

Option Explicit
Sub PrintCopies()
Dim whichone as String
Dim IsVisible as long

Application.screenupdating = false
thisworkbook.unprotect password:="whatever"

whichone = cstr(Sheets("Data3").Range("C7").Value)
isVisible = sheets(whichone).visible
sheets(whichone).visible = xlsheetvisible
sheets(whichone).visible = isvisible

thisworkbook.protect password:="whatever"
application.screenupdating = true

End Sub


That worked brilliantly!! The workbook is now doing everything I want
it to.
Can't thank you enough for your help. Saved me pulling lots of hair


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