Print Macro For Drop Down



I have a drop box menu that allows users to selecta region - North, South,
West, East and grand Total. When they select from the drop box, the formula
in the spreadsheet totals orders/sales for that region only (by looing at
other sheeets in the workbook.

I have created 5 separate form buttons that say "Print South Data"
and"PrintGrand Total".

So , when a user clicks the "South Data" button, it prints just the south
data from th edropdown. The issue I am having is that the Macro prints the
Active sheet in the drop box, not the one I want.

Any ideas?


Gord Dibben

The macro will print whatever sheet your code asks for.

How do your formulas return the data for "Print South Data" and where is that
data located?

If on another sheet, that is the sheet you want to print so select it.

If you posted your code we might get a better idea of how to direct it to the
proper location.

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP


2 - This represents the drop box- 1 south, 2 east etc.
LOB All stats are in thousands
Actual Budgeted
Jan 31-Dec 1 5 6 -
07-Jan 2 5 5
14-Jan 3 6 6
21-Jan 4 6 7

The data for Actuals/Budgeted is pulled from a data sheet(One for actual,
one for budget) depending what the user selected in the drop box menu.with
this formula (HLOOKUP($C7,Actual!$AF$183:$DE$188,$A$1+1,0)/1000).

I am creating a separate "Printing" worksheet where the Print Macros will
reside. I want the a single print macro to print all options from the drop
menu regardless of the Active choice.


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