Print - keeping subform from breaking over page



I have a form that I'd like to be able to print. The Details section is
basically comprised of a continuous subform that has the CanGrow Property set
to true, since the number of rows in the subform is variable.

In printing, part of the subform might be on the bottom of the page, and the
rest on the top of the following page.

Is it possible to set it up so Access will push that whole instance of the
subform to following page, in order to keep the info together in an easier to
read format?


i doubt that you can control the print of a form object; forms are for
viewing, not printing. suggest you set up a report, where you'll have better
control of the end product. if you have trouble achieving what you need,
you'll find lots of report help at microsoft.public.access.reports.



Incidentally, I was doing this as forms mainly because, for some reason,
design view of reports, in my experience, bogs down and gets reeeeeaaaallly
ssslllllooooooooooowwwwww, for reasons that I cannot fathom.

Albert D. Kallal

markmarko said:
Do you know if the capability I inquired about is available in Reports?

Yes, you simply click on the detail section of the report and you will find
a option called "keep together"

If the section can't fit on the current page, it will start at a new page.


well, i can't fathom it either; i've never experienced that problem. i refer
you again to microsoft.public.access.reports.


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