Primary key search



I am trying to search a database for a primary key, and if it exists then I
will not upload the current file. I tried the code below, but it does not
seem to work, I think because of what I am trying to find. I notice that if
I do not include a check the program finds a duplicate primary key almost
instantly, what can I do to make the search as fast as possible? Thank you.

rsg.Find RTrim(rs.fields("ERCOT_UNIT_ID")) & "_" &
RTrim(rs.fields("timestamp")) & "_" & RTrim(rs.fields("SETTLEMENT")) & "_" &



Now trying this:

checkit = RTrim(rs.fields("ERCOT_UNIT_ID")) & "_" & RTrim(rs.fields _
("timestamp")) & "_" & RTrim(rs.fields("SETTLEMENT")) & "_" &
spcs = 150 - Len(checkit)
checkit = checkit & "" & Space(spcs)
rg.Find rg.fields("PRIMARY_KEY") = checkit

PRIMARY_KEY is a char(150), so it has blank spaces for wha is not used,
hence the addition of spaces. But at rg.Find I keep getting error "Arguments
are of the wrong type, are out of acceptable range, or are in conflict with
one another" Run-time error '3001'. Any suggestions??

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