Previus value in a cell



I have a range of cell values, containing numbers from differet projects.

My problem is, if one of the numbers is changes I would like to catch the
previus number before the new number change the value in the cells.

That is if a cell contain the value 160 and the new value in the cell
will be 245 I would like to catch the number 160 with som kind of


Gary Keramidas

just save it to a variable

prevValue = range("A1").value

you're not very specific as to waht you want to do with it and where it is?

Mike Fogleman

Suppose some calculation just changed the value of A1:

NewVal = Range("A1").Value 'capture the new value
Application.UnDo 'revert to old value
OldVal = Range("A1").Value 'capture old value
Range("A1").Value = NewVal 'put new value back

Gives you an idea how to get the previous value back long enough to capture

Mike F

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