preventing windows from opening off-screen


Timo Nentwig


I struggle with the problem that windows open off-screen (out of the visible
area). Why this is the case is not the point but what can I do about this,
i.e. how to I move a window I don't see within the visible area?


Lee Chapelle

Timo Nentwig said:

I struggle with the problem that windows open off-screen (out of the
area). Why this is the case is not the point but what can I do about this,
i.e. how to I move a window I don't see within the visible area?


Click Alt-spacebar-m then use the arrow keys to move the window.


Richard Urban

You're back again?

Change the screen resolution to the highest supported by your monitor. Open
the program in question. Drag the program window to the upper left hand
corner of the screen. Close the program. Change the resolution back to what
it was.


Richard Urban

aka Crusty (-: Old B@stard :)

If you knew as much as you think you know,
You would realize that you don't know what you thought you knew!

Timo Nentwig

Lee said:
Click Alt-spacebar-m then use the arrow keys to move the window.

Ok, that works but isn't there a small utility that forces Window to open in
visible area only?

Lee Chapelle

Timo Nentwig said:
Ok, that works but isn't there a small utility that forces Window to open
visible area only?

Windows XP contains code designed to force windows to open in the same
position and size they were last displayed. Also unless there has been some
display error windows do not open outside the visible area. I would be
suspicious of a problem with your display adapter drivers. I think why this
is happening is very much the point. Try looking on the manufacturer's
website for updated drivers. You could resort to some 3rd party software to
control window position like Deskey but it would
be better to get to the root of the problem.


Timo Nentwig

Lee said:
Windows XP contains code designed to force windows to open in the same

Well, I actually run a X-Server and the remote session runs in a dual-head
environment and hence windows on the right display open in non-visible

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