Prevent formulas changing when moving value


Dave Parker

Since my place of work moved to Excel 2007 I regularly run into this kind of

I am filling in a timesheet with columns for monday-friday (columns D to H).
There is a total column at the end (I). The formula in the total column is
"=SUM(D__:H__)". Often I accidently type a value into, say, D, then cut and
paste it into E and then Excel changes the formula in I to no longer include
monday in the total (it becomes "=SUM(E__:H__)").

I seem to run into this problem all the time whenever I am using Excel now,
is there any way to switch it off? I've also tried using references like
=SUM($D__:$H__) but Excel still keeps changing them.


Perhaps you should use <copy> and <paste> then <delete> the entry in
column D - saves you having to re-adjust the formula each time.

Hope this helps.


Dave Parker

Thanks, that works. Guess I'll just need to adjust my habits to
copy-paste-delete rather than cut-paste.


Glad to help - thanks for the feedback.


Thanks, that works. Guess I'll just need to adjust my habits to
copy-paste-delete rather than cut-paste.

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