Prevent executables from being run?



Hi All

Is it possible to prevent executables (com, exe) etc. being run from withing windows explorer off floppy or network drives

Scenario: I have Windows 2K & XP Pro clients which are prevented by GPO settings from doing quite a lot of things. Recently though I have noticed an increase in the occurrence of hacking type software in the users home areas (PSPV.EXE KEYLOGGER.EXE) etc. Assuming that it is impossible to stop them from bringing the software in on floppy or CD and either running it from there or copying to home areas and running it from there. Is it possible to prevent the software or installers from being run

I know you can setup a list of approved and disallowed programs in the GPO. But to set up a list which doesn't interfere with the operation of Windows appears to be a mammoth task. Also the disallowed list can be circumvented by renaming the file before running it. Neither list appears to support wildcards either

Any ideas
Thx in advance.

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