Prevent certain tabs/sheets from refreshing



In the hopes of making my macro run faster, I'd like to prevent the
formulas of certain tabs/sheets in my workbook from refreshing (ie.
the designated sheet would not update when I press F9).

Could somone please teach me how to do this?

Please note I am not asking to stop screen refreshes - instead I'd be
grateful if someone could show me how to stop formulas on a sheet from
being refreshed when I hit F9.

Thanks so much for your help!

Dave Peterson

Depending on the version of excel you're using, you can turn off calculation on
a sheet by sheet basis--you have to use code, though.

You could use something like:

Worksheets("sheet1").EnableCalculation = False

I _think_ that this was added in xl2002.

Read the warning inside VBA's help for more info.

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