Presenting Pivot table data as product of 2 source data columns



I have the following data

F1 F2 D1 D2
F01 1 10 1
F02 2 20 3
F01 2 30 6
F01 5 40 4
F02 6 40 5

F1 to be presented in rows
F2 to be presented in columns
D1* D2 to be presented as data

Is that possible without defining an extra column in my source data?

regards, Louis

Bob Ryan

Louise - Yes, it's a calculated pivottable field. Once you have the
pivottable established except for the data values, select Options tab,
Formulas drop down arrow, calculated field.


Louise - Yes, it's a calculated pivottable field. Once you have the
pivottable established except for the data values, select Options tab,
Formulas drop down arrow, calculated field.

Is this by chance an Excel 2007 feature? I'm running Excel 2003, and
I cannot find an Options "tab".


Bob Ryan

Kevin - It's in Excel2003 as well, just in a different place. After you do
the pivottable, there's a pivottable toolbar. Click the PivotTable dropdown
arrow, select Formulas, then Calculated Field. If you don't see Formulas, you
might need to click the double down arrows at the bottom of that dropdown
selection. Hope this helps.


Kevin - It's in Excel2003 as well, just in a different place. After you do
the pivottable, there's a pivottable toolbar. Click the PivotTable dropdown
arrow, select Formulas, then Calculated Field. If you don't see Formulas,you
might need to click the double down arrows at the bottom of that dropdown
selection. Hope this helps.

It does indeed! I've been looking ALL OVER for a way to express Sum
(Field1) / Sum(Field2),
and I was getting nowhere.

Thanks much!

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