


Someone told me you could use a web cam to do a presentation like a projector
on a wall. Is that true? If so, what kind of web cam do you need? Thanks...

Bill Dilworth

I think they may have been pulling you leg. I do not know of any web cam
that offers projection capabilities.

While there are projectors that are rather small, but the basic technology
used to record images is very different than the technology to project them.

Bill Dilworth
A proud member of the Microsoft PPT MVP Team
Users helping fellow users.
yahoo2@ Please read the PowerPoint FAQ pages.
yahoo. They answer most of our questions.

Steve Rindsberg

I think they may have been pulling you leg. I do not know of any web cam
that offers projection capabilities.

Oh sure. And next you're going to tell me that even if I apply the proper
voltages to the end of the mouse cord, the mouse won't go running around the
desk on its own?


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