Powerpoint Viewers



How does somenone view a Powerpoint presentation without having Powerpoint
software? Is there a way to imbed the Powerpoint viewer in the presentation
so if one were to email a Powerpoint file to someone who does not have
Powerpoint they could still see the presentation?


Forgot to say that your correspondent will have to install the viewer on his
machine in order to be able to view the presentation.


So there is no way to imbed the viewer in an emailed .pps file so the
correspondent does not have to download it? It can only be imbedded if the
..pps file was on a CD?

Darrell S

If I plan on sending a PPT file to someone or plan to use it on another
computer I add the PPT Viewer to the folder containing the PPT file. If
someone else will use it I add a text file with instructions on how to
install the PPT Viewer if that person does not have PPT on their computer.

On the CD surface I write a reference to the text file to be read before
using the CD.


Thank you very much for your input. I checked out the link you provided and
set up a file per the instructions. I still have a few questions / problems.

#1. The folder is 200 MB. Two of the song files make up 76 MB, so I will
have to make changes there, but the .exe file the express wizard made is 98
MB. I want to be able to email this file and have it be reasonable in size.

#2. The file had no sound. Anyway to get around that so one can hear the
music in my file?

#3. If I understand things correctly, the receiver of the email will have
to open the folder and find the .exe file that the wizard created and click
on it to open the presentation. Anyway to have it autorun?

Your input and guidance on this discussions has been great and much
appreciated. Thank you again.


Probably the link has broken. If the music is in wav format, you can embed
the music into the presentation. If you are using other format, you can also
try to convert the music into wav format using sound convertor. By doing so,
the music will be embedded
into the presentation (preventing the link from breaking).

Read about how to embed your music into the presentation, where to download
sound convertors and other related information here:

Also, 70+mb is too big for emailing. You might want to reduce the size of
presentation. This includes compressing the sound by reducing its quality.
Also see:
"Why are my PowerPoint files so big? What can I do about it?"
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