Powerpoint locks image files



I often import image files which I have created in other applications into
powerpoint, and often find afterwards that there's something on the image
file I want to change. But if I edit the image in the programme that created
it, then try to re-export the image file I find that I can't. Neither can I
rename or delete it in Explorer. It seems Powerpoint has taken control of the
image file and keeps control until I exit powerpoint. Deleting the image
from my presentation makes no difference.

Is there a way of getting powerpoint to release the image file so I can
rewrite it?

Grateful for any advice.


What version of PowerPoint are you using? How are you importing the images?
Are you linking them or are they embedded? Have you saved the presentation file
at the point that you want to edit the image?

Sonia Coleman
Microsoft PowerPoint MVP Team
Autorun Software, Templates and Tutorials


Thank you for your reply.

I am using Powerpoint 2000, and my OS is Windows 2000 Pro. I import images
using Insert>Picture from file, which I presume means I am embedding them. I
have tried saving the presentation after importing the image but still I am
unable to overwrite the file or rename it.

The typical error message in Explorer if I try to rename the file is "Cannot
rename file: There has been a sharing violation. The source or destination
file may be in use." Once I exit Powerpoint (and I need to exit completely,
not just close the presentation) renaming occurs with no problem.

Hope this is helpful.


Okay. I don't have the same version of Windows and the problem doesn't occur
for me. I can't think of why Windows 2000 would behave differently, but maybe
someone with the same configuration can let us know if they can replicate the

What is the latest service pack for Win 2000 that you have installed?

Steve Rindsberg

I am using Powerpoint 2000, and my OS is Windows 2000 Pro. I import images
using Insert>Picture from file, which I presume means I am embedding them. I
have tried saving the presentation after importing the image but still I am
unable to overwrite the file or rename it.

I've just tried the same thing (PPT2000, Win2000) and haven't had any trouble
renaming or editing and resaving inserted images, but I've run into other situations
where PPT keeps files open unnecessarily.

What format are the images in?

And can you try cleaning out your temp folder of all accumlated files and give it
another shot in PPT? Just a wild guess, but it's good routine maintenance to do in
Windows anyhow.

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