I have an old Dell Dimension PIII 750MHz computer that I just brought back
to life (several problems resolved, upgraded to XP, Etc.) The power supply
is only 200 watts and I've already added a second hard drive and a wireless
PCI network card! I need to replace the video card with one that has more
memory and better performance and I'm wondering just how far I can go with
upgrades (I still have a couple of PCI slots available), before I need to
worry about getting a bigger power supply?
Thanks all!
to life (several problems resolved, upgraded to XP, Etc.) The power supply
is only 200 watts and I've already added a second hard drive and a wireless
PCI network card! I need to replace the video card with one that has more
memory and better performance and I'm wondering just how far I can go with
upgrades (I still have a couple of PCI slots available), before I need to
worry about getting a bigger power supply?
Thanks all!