post XP SP2 - random de-selection of active window



Has anyone else experienced this?

Several months ago I installed XP SP2 (from Microsoft CD) on a Dell
Dimension 4600 P4/2.8GHz w/ 256MB RAM running XP Pro that had all other fixes
and patches applied. Post SP2 installation, user experienced randomly timed
(usually within a minute or two) de-selection of the active window, having to
re-select application to continue. In other words, every few minutes it was
as if you moved the cursor to a blank spot on the task bar and clicked
(without actually moving the cursor); the application's title bar grays out,
and it's button on the task bar is no longer depressed! To resume working,
you either click within the application, or on the task button.

I spent about three hours on the phone with an EE in Bangalore; we tried
everything, and nothing worked! To keep from going crazy, I de-installed SP2,
in the hopes that Microsoft would discover the bug and offer a fix.

About a month ago I decided to give it another try, since several
fixes/patches had been issued by MS. Nada! Zip! Busto! The same problem is
still there!

I've tried Dell's support and they point at MS and SP2. And apparently MS
isn't aware of the bug, or can't come up with a fix, or hasn't gotten around
to it yet, or they simply don't give a damn!!!

Has anyone else experienced anything along these lines??? Thanx... Thom

Mark L. Ferguson

Usually, systems with this error have several "Human Interface Device" listing, in device manager, that are in conflict, and
removing one or another (perhaps a second USB mouse , etc) would stop the error till restart.
Go to Start/Run, and type DEVMGMT.MSC , highlight the device, Action menu, "Uninstall",


Mark... I appreciate your suggestion, but it's not the answer: I reviewed
every device -- devices interfaced by the system as well as by the user --
and all indicate "working properly" and/or "no conflict"! Unless someone can
point to something definitively, as I see it, the only recourse is to begin
removing programs running in the background (invoked and start-up),
one-by-one, in an attempt to locate some polling software that is now in
conflict with SP2 changes. Either that, or de-install SP2 again! Anyone have
any other thoughts? ...Thom

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