POST request frow windows app??



I'm in the processing of upgrading some VBA code that sends a POST-AUTH
request to a secure server (credit card authorization to a payment
gateway) then parses the return. I'm trying to figure out how to do
this with VB 2005 Windows App.

Old Code example:
'Get ready to send request to gateway
WinHttpReq.Open("POST", "https://***URLTOSECURESERVER**", False)
lStatusCode = WinHttpReq.Status
lsReturn = WinHttpReq.ResponseText

How to do the same thing in .net?

Carl Daniel [VC++ MVP]

Brad said:
I'm in the processing of upgrading some VBA code that sends a
POST-AUTH request to a secure server (credit card authorization to a
payment gateway) then parses the return. I'm trying to figure out
how to do this with VB 2005 Windows App.

Old Code example:
'Get ready to send request to gateway
WinHttpReq.Open("POST", "https://***URLTOSECURESERVER**", False)
lStatusCode = WinHttpReq.Status
lsReturn = WinHttpReq.ResponseText

How to do the same thing in .net?

See the System.Net.HttpWebRequest class. The method names, properties, etc,
are nearly the same - you should have no trouble translating.



Ok, I got that to post. Now, my next problem is getting back all of
the server response. I can't seem to get all of the data from the
response. How can I get back the response and parse out the

Old code:
lStatusCode = WinHttpReq.Status
lsReturn = WinHttpReq.ResponseText
'parse the return values
lasReturn = Split(lsReturn, "&")
For i = 0 To UBound(lasReturn)
lasKeyPair = Split(lasReturn(i), "=")
Select Case LCase(lasKeyPair(0))
Case "responsecode"
lsResponseCode = lasKeyPair(1)
Case "responsemessage"
lsResponseMessage = lasKeyPair(1)
Case "transactionid"
lsTransactionID = lasKeyPair(1)
Case "avsresponse"
lsAVSResponse = lasKeyPair(1)
Case "cvv2response"
lsCVV2Response = lasKeyPair(1)
Case "authcode"
lsAuthCode = lasKeyPair(1)
End Select

Carl Daniel [VC++ MVP]

Brad said:
Ok, I got that to post. Now, my next problem is getting back all of
the server response. I can't seem to get all of the data from the
response. How can I get back the response and parse out the

What are you trying? Typically, you'll call
HttpWebResponse.GetResponseStream() and read the response line by line, or
all at once, however you wish.


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