POST problem - IIS sc-win32-status:64; sc-status:400



Hi All,

I am facing a strange problem which occurs on selective networks. I
have this ASP.NET application hosted on a 2003 machine. It works
as expected in most of the networks on which i tried.

The app has a single aspx page which expects few inputs from the
user (through textbox, radio button etc.) followed by clicking on
a Submit button which would POST the data back to the server for

Problem - the POST doesn't work when I call my app from some selective
networks. After clicking on the submit button and waiting for about
5 mins, browser shows "server not available". I am using IE 6.

In my IIS log, I find that the 'sc-win32-status' is 64 and 'sc-status'
is 400.

My Page_Load doesn't get called at all on POST (Submit), leave aside
the button click event.

Any pointers to solve this abend would be very helpful. Anything to
do with IE ? I have posted this in the IIS and ASP.NET groups as well.


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