Possible to have theme folder outside the web project?



I am planning to migrate our company's site ASP.NET 1.x to 2.0. We
would like to use master pages and themes. However, we would like to
keep our web project generic so that it can be applied to all clients.
However, we would like to have a different theme for each client. In
order to this, I would like to be able to use themes, but was
interested in finding out if I can create a themes folder outside of
the web project. All the examples I have found so far add the themes
folder to the web project.

Any help/suggestion is greatly appreciated.



In a project I'm working on I have multiple sites sharing a single
masterpage.. You can do this by adding a virtual folder underneath
each site, and point it to the same physical location on the drive.



Hi Mike,
Thanks for your response.
I think my issue is dealing with the flip side of the coin that you are
working with: we have one web project/site and would like to use
different themes (and different master pages if possible) for each
customer's site. Do you think virtual folders would work with this
Best Wishes,


I'm not sure, but off the top can't think of why not.

The only problem I'm having is getting paths to dlls handling right.
For instance, Master Page (the included virtual folder) references 2
dlls, for some reason, I can't get it to work unless I reference those
dlls in the project that is including the master page virtual folder...
I think that same scenario would cause a problem in your setup (i.e.,
all the dlls used by the application would also have to be referenced
in your various customer sites)

I'll keep working on that one, let me know if you make any headway.


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