Possible to change colour for three different bar areas?


R Doornbosch

I have, hopefully, a simple problem. I have 55 schools located in three
different "zones" I want to graph the data for all three zones on the same
graph but have each zone show up as a different colour. So far I've tried
making the graph and then manually changing the colour of each zones bars
but when I re-sort the numbers they don't stay the same colour (Bars stay
the same colour from left to right). I've also tried to bring in three
different series of numbers but each time it re-starts at the beginning so
that the first bunch of bars has three different bars side by side. Does
this make sense?


R Doornbosch

Sorry forgot an example of the data.

School1 8.2 Colour1 ZONE 1
School2 8.5 Colour1 ZONE 1
School3 9.6 Colour2 ZONE 2
School4 8.7 Colour2 ZONE 2
School5 7.7 Colour2 ZONE 2
School6 5.7 Colour2 ZONE 2
School7 8.9 Colour3 ZONE 3
School8 5.9 Colour3 ZONE 3
School9 4.7 Colour3 ZONE 3
School10 6.3 Colour3 ZONE 3

R Doornbosch

Thanks for the link but there doesn't seem to be an example that does
what I want. Think of it this way I want to graph the data for three
different school zones. Each Zone should be it's own colour (three different
colours) so that when I sort the data zone 1 will always be Red, Zone 2 will
always be Blue etc. Not based on their numerical value/data

Andy Pope


If I understand you will also need a lookup table.
I will post an example, on my site, later today.


R Doornbosch

Funny things is that I can actually do this with MapPoint by importing the
data and then giving each new series a different colour. Weird that it would
be so hard in excel.

R Doornbosch

Had an answer from

Jon Peltier, Microsoft Excel MVP

Peltier Technical Services

Tutorials and Custom Solutions

That solved the problem called conditional charting. THANKS Jon

Andy Pope

That wouldn't be the same Jon that I gave you a link to would it?? <VBG>

Glad you found your answer.


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